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Five Easy Steps For Financial Fitness
Are you the kind of person who likes to make lists? You might see the use in this list of “five easy steps for financial fitness.” #1 Create a budget; #2 Manage your debt; #3

Where did I put it?
All too often when we need to find an important financial document we can’t remember where we put it. Keeping important documents up to date and accessible is essential. Even after you finalize your will

No, you’re probably not imagining it. 69% percent of Americans surveyed by Lending Tree in 2023 reported they’d paid an extra fee when using a credit card for a purchase. A smaller, more recent survey

Pre-Retirement Syndrome
Have you heard this phrase? It is often used to refer to the anxiety and stress that people feel in the years leading up to retirement. While it is common to feel a sense of

Resolution Fatigue
At this time of year there tends to be discussion about what our New Year’s resolution will be. Researchers suggest that only 9% of Americans that make resolutions complete them. In fact, research goes on

It is important to think about your risk/reward ratio tolerance–terms like “conservative” and “risky” can mean different things to different people which is why it is necessary to think it through. This way, you can

IRA Conversion
Conversions of a traditional IRA to a Roth can differ individual to individual, even where the same sum of money is involved. Let’s take, for example, two individuals, each with $100,000 in a traditional IRA,

Are You Maximized?
As year-end approaches, it might be a good time to reflect on if you are allocating funds to be sure to maximize your contributions to tax advantaged accounts. If you can, you should consider making

Lost 401k
As we approach year end we are frequently being asked about what we call “Lost 401k” accounts. Perhaps you changed jobs, or your employer went out of business or merged with another company, or maybe

Americans Are More Afraid of Retirement Than Death
According to a national survey for LiveCareer in June, about 61% of working Americans are more afraid of retirement than of death. Why is this? The survey suggests the reason is that many Americans are

Trusted Contact
We have been asked to explain the reason why some financial institutions ask for the name of a person that is often referred to as a “trusted contact.” There is frequently confusion about what rights

Retirement in Stages
One way to approach retirement is to think of it in stages. While retirement might seem like the final step of a journey, your goals and lifestyle will likely continue to evolve, and your income

We were recently asked why we believe that an annuity can help with your retirement strategy. Three reasons come readily to mind. The first reason is that they can be used as asset protection. Fixed

In the context of bank accounts and who their beneficiaries are, TOD means transfer-on-death, and POD means payable-on-death. These types of designations can play an important role in your estate planning by enabling banks to

Before You Click
Some scams are run on a daily basis, and are so intricately made, they can trick even the smartest of us. The scams we’re talking about come in the form of emails where the sender

Retirement Paycheck
Retirement is different from your working years–you’re no longer putting in time and collecting a paycheck regularly. Creating a sustainable paycheck in retirement is, however, an art worth mastering. Without a full-time employer, retirees are

Social Security and Working In Retirement
Have you ever wondered if working in retirement reduces your Social Security benefits? If you are younger than your full retirement age for the entire year, your benefit will reduce by $1 for every $2

Tying to Knot
According to the US Census Bureau, about 1 in 5 people over the age of 60 have married at least twice. However, all marriages are not created equal. The Schwab Center for Financial Research lets